
I am a thirty-something Mississippi girl who tries each day to be fully and authentically ME, whoever that is!

I love my family, my cats Delali and Cat (she is 19 years old!), my dog Tess, reading, teaching yoga, vegan cooking, vintage clothes, arts and crafts, creating, Downton Abbey, re-purposing, re-cycling, re-using, re-ducing, DIY, inspiration and quotations, all most things French, handmade items, lavender (the scent), Magic Boards, thesauruses, blank moleskines, full moleskines, self-help books, gardening, foreign films, journaling, mail art, BBC, gratitude journals, Masterpiece Theater, Christmas, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, Christmas smells, Christmas music, loyal friends, Spring breezes and Fall days. I’m passionate about animal welfare and rights and planet preservation.

Welcome! I {love} comments!

16 thoughts on “moi…

  1. Hi,
    I have so enjoyed surfing your website and especially being inspired this morning to reread the whole of Le Petit Prince online.

    I live near Montreal and am bilingual, so it was an easy read for me. It brought me to tears again and I remembered why I used this book to teach English to my students in Tokyo over 20 years ago. It touched me then as it has again today. Thank you for offering the link on your webpage, and for sharing your thoughts, hopes and inspirations as well as connecting others with similar interests.

    I have never been to a chat room and have not become a member of anything online, but I must say I am pulled to participate in your discussion of this simple, beautiful gift given to us by St. EX.

    So let me know when you will be starting this exchange of ideas. I would love to be part of it.

  2. Dear Zazazu,

    i thought why not to leave a comment while reading you would love comments. You provide a lot of interesting content, too much to read for me at my first visit, so i guess i will be back soon. Thank you.

    Kind regards

  3. Good morning!

    My name is Walt Winkelman and I am a 57 year-old who is just finishing my doctoral degree. Tough not unexpected, my research is on “happiness”.

    I have just starting my blog ( last week and similar have just started to use RSS Feeds. Therefore, I would like to know (if you do not mind sharing your ideas) I would like to querry you on how are you “driving) people to you blog? You know, marketing your site.

    I am extremely busy, but I do like your idea of forming a community. This may not be a fair question, but let me ask…is it possible for me to be linked to another academic/scholar/researcher.

    If by chance you could help me find that connection I would be very interested in particpating.

    In the meantime, if there is any thing that I can do to help you…just let me know.

    Best Personal Regards,
    Walt Winkelman

  4. Je peux parler un peu francais aussi, mais j’oublie beaucoup de mots! J’adore le cusine francais – le frommage, le pain et le vin aussi, bien sur! 🙂

    Ok, now my head hurts. I haven’t written in french in a long time!

    Love your blog, such positive energy. Namaste


  5. Good day! I am learning about blogs! My daughter started hers a year ago and I started mine on Nov 14th! (mine is Inspirehealth) on wordpress. So I have alot to add in my spare time! It sounds like we have much in common, and I applaud you that you are listening to and following your heart and soul! Wanted to say hello to you, and send you positive energy and light for healthy growth!

  6. Hi – now that is truly amazing! Its as if I’m reading about a sister I haven’t realized is in the world. That is pretty cool! I’m so happy to have found your blog. Thanks for commenting on my ocean picture – I don’t know if I would’ve found you otherwise and – Wowsa! That feels pretty good.

    Thanks again – Cricket Diane

  7. Salut!!

    I’m from Brazil and I’ve just read your blog while I was looking for some French issues.

    I also love to read and search for French things, and I’m studying French since 2007 and I also would like to speak French fluently one day (not so far I hope so).

    bon jour pour toi…


  8. Hello Karen,
    It Dear Golden girl (I just packed up your boots to send!) just actually found your blog
    and it’s fun to see we have a pretty good amount of stuff in common.
    I also love yoga (I teach yoga and have a blog,,
    I am into all things French, and am WAY into animal rights.
    How amazing the internet is, you can “meet” such cool people
    at any moment!

    Best wishes,

  9. Came across yout “link love” board on Pinterest and didn’t repin, but bookmarked nearly every site. To see so many resources for the life I want to live is exciting and such a relief. I was so glad to find a way to contact you, because I just wanted to thank you for sharing. I look forward to looking over all the things I saved, as well as perusing your site as well.

    Take care,

  10. Hi there! After you visited my blog and left such positive comments I wanted to check out your blog as well and I must say: I love it! You seem like such a wonderful person and I think we have a lot of interests in common. Very inspiring indeed. Please post again soon. I became your “follower” and cannot wait to hear from you! All the best from Italy, MJ

    • Thanks for visiting my blog! Yes, I thought we might have a good deal in common as well.
      I don’t actually blog much at all anymore but I do read other blogs and added yours to my Reader. Can’t wait to keep up with your activities!
      Also liked you on Facebook. 🙂

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