Blanket of white…

It was quite a delightful surprise here in the great Magnolia State over the weekend for us to have snow!


This may look like just a dusting of snow but for us, it is a LOT of snow. This is the most we will get in a year, if this.


I have friends who go out and have snowball fights, make snowmen and such but I stay indoors. Obviously, I ventured out to take these pictures but no further. It was *snap – snap* and then I scurried back inside.


It is pretty, to be sure, but, for most days, I like weather like today: 74 degrees, mild and sunny. Bring on the springtime!


I was tagged recently over at Paint Floats. Her meme was done with a retail-therapy spin, which I loved. However, when I went to post mine in the same fashion, I couldn’t think of seven things I wanted badly enough to post up here. I’m at the same time shocked and very proud of that.

So, I will put my own spin on the tag. I will list seven things that I’d like to be at some point in my life. Here goes:

  1. Yoga instructor
  2. English as a foreign language teacher
  3. Life coach
  4. Wife
  5. Animal rescuer
  6. Actress
  7. Writer

I won’t tag anyone but if you want to play along with this one or put your own unique spin to it, go ahead and have fun. Thanks, Paint Floats!

{To anyone else tempted to tag me, I won’t be doing anymore tags anytime soon! Thanks for understanding! I’m about tagged out!}


Speaking briefly, however, of things I want… I recently became friends with a lovely Etsy seller called BluLima and did a trade with her. Her prints are just wonderful and so very reasonable.


This print of BluLima‘s is such a chic, classy rendition of the 1939 British Government poster and is standard size for framing. I traded for one like this (different color) and it is amazing! The quality of the print is astounding and for only $12.oo? You really can’t beat it! See here for details.

She has tons of wonderful designs and even more amazing colors! Her service is amazing and she is just the most fun to converse with too. Check out her store! You will LOVE it!

21 thoughts on “Blanket of white…

  1. Hi Zazazu,
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog πŸ™‚

    That snow looks lovely, we don’t ever really get snow like that in London, sometimes a dusting which quickly turns into a dirty slush and usually takes down the transport network with it!

  2. I absolutely love the “Keep Calm and Carry On” prints. I think I will have to get one.

    I am feeling so lame about “The Artist’s Way.” I have the book, the workbook, and I have been dipping into it, but now making the commitment I need to.

    le sigh.

  3. I’m jealous of the snow! It looks so pretty.

    I’m cracking up over the prints. Too funny.

    In some ways you are already some of the things that you want to be, ie 1, 3, 5, 7.

  4. oh I love the snow!! Unfortunately here in Nottingham we just don’t seem to get any now – infact I barely remember having proper snowfall since I was a child. I do hope you are well my dear! I loved reading your post about the artists way – I just haven’t managed to join in I am afraid – I still don’t have the book but I am determined to start it sometime soon as it is just so inspirational to see how you have all been getting on with it.

    Take care! xx

  5. Those are beautiful photos! I’ve never lived anywhere cold enough for it to snow, so I guess it’s still a bit of a novelty for me. I’d be scampering about out there throwing snowballs and making snow angels, though would retreat fairly quickly to the warmth to curl up with a book (from your glorious collection) and a glass of something before too long! I’m more of a sun person, give me the ocean and the sunshine anyday.

    I love your list by the way. I’d like to be a life coach too. I think it’s because I love to help others – by asking them questions that lead them to their own answers, rather than giving them any advice. I love to watch people grow, it’s such an amazing thing. I’m actually enrolled in a weekend coaching course at the end of March which I am excited about. Oh, and I would say you already are a writer (in my opinion). I’m loving our email conversations… getting emails from you is always a delight.

    And thanks, for the etsy intro. I gotta get me one of those prints.

  6. Thank you for all your comments on my blog–I appreciate you taking the time to visit.

    Here in NY we’ve had mostly rain lately, but we have had our share of snow this year. I love freshly fallen snow and you’ve captured it beautifully in your photos.

  7. Those are lovely photos. We don’t get a lot of snow in South Carolina and when we do it rarely lasts more than a day. Snow makes everything look so pretty (and so do your photographs!).

  8. What a fun post! I liked reading about everything you’ve been up to! Okay, not everything, but ykwim.

    I love the snow pictures. I am like you – pretty to look at, but I’d rather be inside looking out, rather than outside playing in those cold temps, thank you very much!

    I love the prints! Especially the first. And how reasonably priced! Amazing! I really need to get on Etsy and spend some time. Although I’m just breaking my eBay addiction, so maybe not. πŸ˜›

  9. Hello gorgeous!
    Those snowy photos are delightful. So pretty. I think I’d be out there playing. The nice calm, cool weather is right up my alley too. I’m looking forward to much cooler weather after the blazing hot summer. Too hot for my taste.
    I haven’t posted in ages but, as usual, hope to get back inot the swing of blogging. Oh my!

  10. The snow prints are beautiful, but frankly, I’m sick and tired of snow and temps below 20 so I’m very much appreciating the 50+ temps we’ve had the past few days and beautiful sunshine! In the middle of summer, please post the pics again!
    πŸ™‚ Gina

  11. lovely photos!! i wish snow would stay that beautiful here in nyc. unfortunately it gets so slushy and gray so fast!
    and i think you would make a wonderful life coach!

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